Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Women’s Economic Security
Women today are powering the economy more than ever before – they are half of all employees, serve as the sole breadwinners in 40 percent of families with children under the age of 18, and more than half of all advanced degrees are now earned by women. But the reality is many workplace policies and attitudes have not changed in decades, which holds back not just women, but the entire middle class and American economy. Many women don’t have a choice whether to work or not because they need a job in order to provide for their families. Empowering women and their families to achieve their full financial potential and strengthen the economy is an undertaking that will require involvement from all of us – elected officials, advocates, and the business community.
Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund for an event that will bring together U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand with leaders from the business and advocacy community to discuss the importance of working together to strengthen the workplace for all families, including paid family medical leave, equal pay, and access to quality, affordable child care. Senator Gillibrand will announce her Opportunity Plan: New Rules for the New Economy, which includes a number of policies aimed at allowing women to achieve their full potential for themselves and their families.