This piece was originally published in the April 11, 2022 edition of CAP Action’s newsletter, the Progress Report. Subscribe to the Progress Report here.
“Big Oil companies are raising prices at the pump, despite their profits going through the roof. They’re jacking up costs under the guise of inflation — but in reality, they’re just trying to make a quick buck by #RippingOffAmericans.” – Rep. David Trone (D-MD)
Many factors are contributing to the higher prices Americans are paying at the gas pump, including inflation, Russia’s illegal war on Ukraine, and more. But there’s one factor Big Oil CEOs don’t want Americans talking about: corporate greed. Working families are paying more for a gallon of gas while oil companies are pulling in record profits. Fortunately, according to recent polling, Americans aren’t letting them off the hook.
The numbers are clear: People see through Big Oil’s rhetoric and blame greedy oil executives for the high prices they’re forced to pay.
Share this graphic to make Big Oil know Americans see through their greed:

- “It’s absolutely clear that what President Trump was doing … was unlawful. They did it anyway,” stated Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the vice chair of the House January 6 investigative committee. Rep. Cheney announced that there is enough evidence of former President Donald Trump’s complicity in the attack to refer the former president for criminal charges.
- In an op-ed for CNN Business, Center for American Progress President and CEO Patrick Gaspard argues for a temporary windfall profits tax on Big Oil companies that are currently raking in billions of dollars in profits while passing the costs on to consumers.
What we’re reading
This piece was originally published in the April 11, 2022 edition of CAP Action’s newsletter, the Progress Report. Subscribe to the Progress Report here.