Center for American Progress Action

Donald Trump championed economic revival. He has achieved the opposite.
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Donald Trump championed economic revival. He has achieved the opposite.

Neera Tanden explains how President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic has damaged the U.S. economy and harmed the economic recovery.

We are living through one of the greatest economic failures of any president in decades, and that has come as a result of the second surge of coronavirus cases in the Southern states. No single actor is more responsible for this surge than President Donald Trump. He pushed states to reopen, chided and cajoled Republican governors and, despite the rising number of infections and deaths related to the coronavirus, he said over and over again that it was “going away.” He said that we would now witness the “great American comeback,” and that the economy would come “roaring back.” His economic recovery plan was to get states to reopen.

And now, because of the reopenings, the virus continues to rage out of control and many states are closing down again. Texas has closed bars and mandated face masks in most counties; Arizona has also closed bars, as well as gyms, movie theaters and water parks; and many other states are following suit. As more and more people get sick, our economic recovery moves further and further away.

The above excerpt was originally published in USA Today. Click here to view the full article.

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 (Neera Tanden)

Neera Tanden

CEO, Center for American Progress Action Fund