I’m a Union Worker in Pennsylvania. I Know Biden’s Got Our Back.
Sherice Workman, a union carpenter who worked on the historic 12-day repair of I-95 in Philadelphia, shares how federal infrastructure investments are creating a boom in union career opportunities within the skilled trades.
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President Biden’s decision to join the UAW picket lines last week proves he’s got our back. While some Republican politicians claim to support UAW members, the Biden administration and congressional Democrats continue to pass legislation that actually protects and strengthens unions. Take a look at one of the 37,000 infrastructure projects happening across the country, and you will see union workers like me turning this legislation into action.
I joined the Carpenters’ Union 14 years ago, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. At the time, I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship. I was a single mom on welfare and living in public housing. When I got the opportunity to join a pre-apprenticeship program offered through the Philadelphia Housing Authority, I knew this would be the stepping stone for me to get my family out of public housing and into our own home.
The above excerpt was originally published in The Keystone. Click here to view the full article.
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