Center for American Progress Action

Nancy Pelosi beat Trump at his own game — and she’ll do it again and again
In the News

Nancy Pelosi beat Trump at his own game — and she’ll do it again and again

Neera Tanden argues it was Nancy Pelosi's political prowess and experience that ended the shutdown—and will serve her well in her second term as House speaker.

Nancy Pelosi — the highest-ranking and most powerful woman to ever hold elected office in American history — at this moment represents the perfect antidote to Trump. After all, from the first day he entered the White House, women have stood at the forefront of the resistance movement against his presidency.

The GOP attempted to make the 2018 elections a referendum on Pelosi’s potential leadership, not for the first time. For more than a decade, Republicans have launched round after round of shameless attacks against her. During the 2010 election, for instance, the GOP poured $65 million into advertisements demonizing her. And by early 2018, one in every three of the party’s ads targeted her in some way or another.

The above excerpt was originally published in NBC News. Click here to view the full article.

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 (Neera Tanden)

Neera Tanden

CEO, Center for American Progress Action Fund