In the News

No More Complicity in Gun Violence

In the aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, authors Neera Tanden and Chelsea Parsons urge Republicans in Congress to work with progressives to help end the epidemic of gun violence.

This week, our country was reminded of a disturbing yet undeniable reality: Our society – and our political system – has grown all too accustomed to the aftermath of mass shootings.

By now, we’re all familiar with the predictable steps of this sick routine. Everyone expresses shock and horror and sends their thoughts and prayers. Most Republicans usually stop there, unless there’s a way they can pivot to another issue, such as mental illness or international terrorism. Many Democrats will renew calls for Congress to strengthen gun laws that could save the lives of innocent Americans. And Republicans respond with a faux outrage that anyone would “politicize” a tragedy so soon after it occurred. Repeat, ad nauseam.

The above excerpt was originally published in U.S. News & World Report. Click here to view the full article.

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 (Neera Tanden)

Neera Tanden

CEO, Center for American Progress Action Fund

Chelsea Parsons

Vice President, Gun Violence Prevention