Center for American Progress Action

The Republican Party is now Trump’s Corruption Party. Here’s how to fix the GOP and DC.
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The Republican Party is now Trump’s Corruption Party. Here’s how to fix the GOP and DC.

Author Neera Tanden discusses corruption within the Trump administration and the Republican Party and offers solutions to rebuild the U.S. political system and regain the American people's trust.

A basic and fundamental building block of our democracy — the principle that our government should represent the people — is currently under withering attack. President Donald Trump promised as a candidate that he would drain the swamp in Washington. But the damning news about Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen proves that, from the very beginning, Trump’s inner circle and campaign leadership were stocked with criminals.

And since he has assumed office, a significant and growing number of Americans have increasingly recognized that the president, the members of his administration and Republicans at large have betrayed their trust. They say overwhelmingly that Trump has failed to set a high moral standard for his presidency and they have saddled top Trump administration officials with record low marks on ethics. They now see the Republican Party in its true light: as the Party of Corruption.

The above excerpt was originally published in USA Today. Click here to view the full article.

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 (Neera Tanden)

Neera Tanden

CEO, Center for American Progress Action Fund