Policy Analyst
Charting an equitable and just path to a 100 percent clean economy with net-zero climate pollution, protection of 30 percent of lands and waters, and community investments
Investing in equitable climate solutions that address the country’s legacy of environmental racism while working to ensure that all communities have the right to breathe clean air, live free of dangerous levels of toxic pollution, access healthy food, and share the benefits of a prosperous economy
Laying the groundwork for an urgent transition to a clean energy economy that works for all, creating millions of good-paying jobs with the opportunity to join a union, and improving the quality of life for all Americans in the process
Addressing the linked climate and biodiversity crises by working with a diverse coalition of states, tribes, and local stakeholders to conserve 30 percent of all U.S. lands and water by 2030 and promote natural solutions to the climate crisis that benefit all communities
By urging strong and equitable domestic ambition for the U.S. government, restoring the United States to international leadership on climate action through bold emission reductions targets and plans to get there, climate finance, and strategic partnerships across the world
Policy Analyst
Associate Director, Energy and Environment Campaigns
Senior Fellow
Senior Policy Analyst, Conservation Policy
Senior Fellow
Senior Fellow
Senior Vice President, Energy and Environment
Senior Director, Domestic Climate and Energy Policy
Senior Fellow
Senior Director, Conservation
Senior Fellow
Senior Fellow, Energy and Environment
Senior Campaign Manager of Storytelling, Energy and Environment Campaigns
Campaign Manager, Energy and Environment Campaigns
Director, Public Lands
Senior Fellow, International Climate
Senior Fellow
The Energy and Environment Department engages with national, international, state, local, tribal, and environmental justice advocates to support the goals of climate, economic, environmental, and racial justice; bridge the gap between advocacy and action; and implement just and effective policies.
The CAC is a coalition of major national environment, environmental justice, and public health groups, working together to drive ambitious federal action to address the climate crisis.
This coalition of environmental justice and national organizations advances economic, racial, and environmental justice to improve all communities’ well-being.
The NOPC supports and implements ocean policies that balance a variety of environmental, commercial, industrial, recreational, and infrastructure interests.
The forum works to create and advance an ambitious ocean policy agenda that promotes the goals of economic, racial, climate, and environmental justice.
The ARDC is a coalition of Alaska Native, climate, and conservation groups that works to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil and gas drilling.
The Energy and Environment Department will build agreement around the climate change and conservation crises, with a focus on the demonstrable impacts people feel now to build urgency to act. We will deepen and expand our coalition, both domestic and in key foreign countries, around the scope of the challenges, and we will work on our own and with our partners to create ambitious, equitable, and just policies to protect lands; oceans; and the health, safety, and prosperity of all communities. This includes addressing systemic racism and economic inequality, reducing pollution and its cumulative impacts in communities of color and low-income communities, and measurably improving the lives of people in the near term through our policies as we address environmental challenges. We will work with partners in key foreign countries to build agreement on agendas for ambitious global action, which will further bolster domestic support for action at home. To achieve our goals, we must confront fossil fuel corporations and their allies that are standing in the way of Americans’ desire to safeguard the planet and the survival and well-being of all life on earth.
The clean energy sector leads job growth compared with the overall economy and directly contributes to lowering costs for Americans.
Los logros legislativos pioneros de Walz en Minnesota destacan su compromiso inquebrantable con la justicia ambiental y la energía limpia
The Inflation Reduction Act puts the United States on track to meeting its Paris Agreement commitment and to reclaiming the mantle of global climate leadership.
The Inflation Reduction Act’s $369 billion in climate investments won’t just tackle climate change; they will save families money, create millions of good jobs, and reduce pollution over the next decade.
This week on "The Tent," Daniella and Christy Goldfuss, senior vice president of Energy and Environment at the Center for American Progress, discuss recent climate research, the state of climate legislation, and what Democrats can do to prepare for the midterm elections.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will create pathways for all Americans into U.S.-based jobs that pay decent wages and benefits.
State and local progress can inform federal action to support high-quality, union jobs building the clean economy.
The authors argue that federal policymakers must invest in domestic electric vehicle production and deployment now in order to support high-quality American jobs, cut greenhouse gas emissions over the long term, and ensure national competitiveness in a key area of growth.
Miriam Goldstein explains the importance of establishing additional marine protected areas after President Donald Trump's gutted protections for the Atlantic's only marine monument.
Bianca Majumder and Kristina Costa argue for Congress to use the appropriations process to combat the Trump administration's efforts to dismantle the federal climate apparatus.