Center for American Progress Action

: Senator Kerry on the Implications of Pakistan’s Elections for U.S. National Security
Past Event

Senator Kerry on the Implications of Pakistan’s Elections for U.S. National Security

1:00 - 2:00 PM EST

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Following the stunning defeat of President Musharraf’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, by the opposition in the February 18 parliamentary elections, all eyes are now on Pakistan. The elections have served to diminish the Bush administration’s "indispensable ally" and to fundamentally alter Pakistan’s political landscape. U.S. policymakers must decide what the election results mean for Pakistan’s future and U.S. policy toward Pakistan and the region. Senator John Kerry, just back from observing the elections in Pakistan, will share his insights on the elections and make recommendations for how the United States should shift its strategy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Developments in Pakistan are of great interest to the United States and the world. The growing strength of militant groups, the establishment of terrorist safehavens in Pakistan’s tribal areas, and what many see as a growing phenomenon of "Talibanization" mean that events in Pakistan have direct implications for U.S. national security interests. Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund for a stimulating discussion with Senator Kerry on the multiple challenges facing U.S. policy in Pakistan.