Center for American Progress Action

: The Right Choices to Cut Poverty and Restore Shared Prosperity
Past Event

The Right Choices to Cut Poverty and Restore Shared Prosperity

Half in Ten Annual Report 2012

A stronger U.S. economy and a better long-term fiscal outlook will depend on the extent to which we invest in opportunities for everyone to access the American Dream. But as we approach a consequential lame duck session, with key decisions facing policymakers on taxes, jobs, and deficit reduction, how is America faring on key indicators of cutting poverty and expanding opportunity for all?

On November 19 the Half in Ten campaign will release its second annual report that answers this question, tracking the nation’s and each state’s progress toward cutting poverty in half over the next decade through indicators relating to good jobs, strong families, and economic security and opportunity. The report also outlines a pathway forward, outlining a set of policy priorities and explaining that poverty reduction can be achieved hand-in-hand with long-term deficit reduction if we make the right policy choices.

Our keynote speakers and panelists will tell the stories behind the numbers, explain what the data tell us about long-term U.S. economic growth and competitiveness, and discuss the findings in the context of the lame duck battles before Congress and how they could affect states and localities across the country.

View the PowerPoint presentation for the event