Washington, D.C. — Professor David Cutler of Harvard University and Center for American Progress Action Fund experts will discuss a recent CAP Action study illustrating the dramatic increase in health care costs for both current and future seniors that would result from the proposal by Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to end Medicare as we know it. President Barack Obama referenced the study yesterday while on the campaign.
In short, the study found that the most recent version of the Romney-Ryan plan to turn Medicare into a voucher plan would result in enormous costs for both current and future seniors. According to the report, today’s 54 year old will have to pay increased Medicare costs of $59,500 and someone age 48, who doesn’t really have time to alter their retirement savings plans, will have to pay $124,600 more. A 39 year old will pay $216,600 more than the current Medicare guarantee, and today’s 29 year old will have to save $331,200 more to afford their health care.
On a press call today, the report’s authors—David Cutler, Topher Spiro, and Maura Calsyn—will join CAP Action’s Neera Tanden to discuss the findings of their research and the implications of the Romney-Ryan proposal.
- Neera Tanden, Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund
- David Cutler, Ph.D., Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University and Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Action Fund
- Topher Spiro, Managing Director, Health Policy
- Maura Calsyn, Associate Director, Health Policy
Monday, September 10, 2012
12:00 p.m. eastern
Dial-in information:
(877) 210-8943
Conference ID # 29776191
To confirm your participation, please email Katie Peters at [email protected]
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