UPDATED REPORT: McCain’s Tax Plan Would Have Saved The McCains $730,000
WASHINGTON, DC—An updated analysis of the Obama and McCain tax plans by the Center for American Progress Action Fund finds that John and Cindy McCain would have saved $730,000 over 2006 and 2007 under McCain’s tax plan.
Under Obama’s proposed plan, the McCain’s would have saved $62,000 over the same two years.
Read the full analysis here.
This analysis incorporates the effects of John McCain’s new controversial proposal to temporarily cut the capital gains tax to 7.5% from 15%, a cut whose benefits go overwhelmingly to those making over $600,000/year, as well as other recent modifications to the McCain and Obama proposals.
John McCain’s $300 billion tax plan is heavily skewed towards corporations and the wealthy and does nothing for over 100 million Americans.
It sure wouldn’t do nothing for John and Cindy McCain, though.