"The draft bill released today by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions addresses the reality that millions of Americans are experiencing every day, as they struggle to get the care they need in the face of skyrocketing costs. Today, everyone is paying more because our system is broken, and people are being denied coverage for the flimsiest of reasons. The status quo is broken, and this bill would help fix it.
"The Congressional Budget Office concluded that the HELP proposals will cost dramatically less and extend coverage to far more people than previously estimated. And the legislation includes provisions—such as a strong public health insurance option—that will give people more choices and more power over their health care decisions, and end abusive insurance company practices such as denying people coverage for preexisting conditions.
"In short, today is a good day for the cause of health care reform—together with the strong proposals put forward by the House, Congress is taking major steps toward achieving the change that hard-working Americans need."
Judy Feder is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund