"The Lugar bill is like the umpire’s apology after he blew the perfect game call: it is a nice gesture that doesn’t change much.
"Sen. Dick Lugar’s bill is far too little, far too late. It would achieve little reduction in oil use beyond what President Obama has already announced. His bill summary notes that "the primary driver of increased OCS production will be increased oil prices." Higher prices would hurt middle class families. And it does not establish new safeguards for offshore oil production to minimize the risk of future BP oil disasters. The bill includes billions of dollars for nuclear power paid for by deficit spending, and it ignores the largest source of global warming pollution. Additionally, Sen. Lugar’s support for Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s big oil bailout resolution will make it harder to establish better fuel economy standards and reduce oil use .
"Instead of introducing this minimalist energy bill, Sen. Lugar should work with President Obama and other senators to craft comprehensive clean energy reform that adds oil drilling safeguards, achieves real significant reductions in oil use, and cuts oil pollution."
Daniel J. Weiss is available for comment. To speak with him, please contact Suzi Emmerling at [email protected] or 202-481-8224.